Every beautiful creation I made reflects the wonderful and awesome gifts from the Creator Himself
For the love of arts and music, I built my maiden guitar built in 1985 and it has set off a chain of events that led me to this wonderful instrument … guitars … building guitars and other string instruments ...
The Creator has blessed me with the fine skills of an artisan. Throughout my life, I am gratified by His blessings in many ways. During my career pursuit to become a luthier, I have received many generous assistance and encouragement from many people. In particular the fellow luthiers I have acquainted at the GAL conventions (GAL – Guild of American Luthiers). The many kind words from various forum friends that have generously shared their perspectives regarding my guitars and craftsmanship are not forgotten as well.
It is always gratifying to handle a completed hand-crafted instrument and anticipating the first tune coming out from it. While I have built a variety of string instruments, they all share three guiding principles, i.e. art, science and craftsmanship. Nothing beats the process of creation process and the abundance of learning that can be gained. This discovery journey has been most satisfying and I will be most glad to share the excitement with you.
I build my guitars entirely by hand except the regular hardware and electronics parts that are purchased and installed. Being more curious than cautious, it has driven me to acquire other forms of knowledge and experiences beyond just building guitars. One such attempt was my extensive research in woods especially those found in the tropics that reside near me.
My research efforts have led to the introduction of the Malaysian Blackwood to the world of guitar making. This tropical hardwood made its appearance at the 1998 GAL convention in Tacoma, Washington, USA. Since the inception, the popularity has grown tremendously. It carries many premium qualities for musical instruments making that are unparalleled. Today, the Malaysia Blackwood has established it position firmly at the level of premium tonewoods in the musical instruments making industry.
In 2006 I built a guitar using Monkeypod wood (Samanea saman or Rain Tree). Up to 99% of this guitar was built using hardwoods. Its presence at the 2006 GAL convention was evidently heard and felt during an acoustic guitar blind-test listening session. This non-conventional built has triumphed over the other acoustic guitars in the session. The tonal characteristic was unique and impressionable to everyone who was present. Eventually the audience has unanimously regarded the Monkeypod guitar as the one that possessed the most desired tonal characteristics.
While using Monkeypod wood to build guitar isn't new but it has never been regarded as a premium tonewood in the musical instruments making industry. The showdown in 2006's GAL convention has certainly illuminated its profile. The popularity of this unique wood has been never stopped growing since. Monkeypod wood is used as a standard for all my guitars. I offer 2 models for the steel strings, the OM model and my signature JJ models. For the classical guitars, there are 3 models. They are the Tioman I - Torres bracing and body design, Tioman II - Torres body shape with modified Lattice bracing and Tioman III - bigger body (Khono design) with modified Lattice bracing.
The braces designs and layout for my guitars are influenced by the Martin's X-scalloped braces patterns, Torres Fan bracing and the Smallman Lattice bracing. Departing from the conventional principles, the braces are made from non-conventional hardwoods found in Malaysia. This alternate approach takes courage. Through years of determination, this approach has proven with consistent excellent results. Moreover, tapping not from the mainstream wood sources can help in conserving those heavily used species of wood from depletion. I believe with combined efforts, reducing the rampant rogue sales within the black market is possible.
I take pride in introducing innovative and unique features in my guitars. Except for imported woods, I cut and processed my own tonewoods, e.g. Malaysian Black Wood and Monkeypod Wood. I hope my instruments will bring great pleasure and satisfaction to your life long musical enjoyment and monetary investment as well.

"Building a guitar must truly be one of the most complicated undertakings that exist. The Luthier must possess an advanced knowledge and understanding of the nature of wood, the mastery of tools, the science of acoustics, the alchemy of glues, an uncanny patience and a conventional as well as artistic (and in Mr.Yong's case) adventurous disposition towards aesthetics. My most prized instrument for over 20 years is made from a more common form of hardwood, available throughout Malaysia, but nowhere else on the planet. A specialty of Mr. Yong is his acute knowledge and understanding of the woods of this remarkable country. He is an artisan of the highest order, and it is a pleasure to play his instruments. "
Richard Smith Professor of Music,
University of Southern California USA
Recording Artist
Jeffrey Yong is one of those rare world class luthiers to always keep pushing forward, he introduced monkeypod as a wonderful tonewood to the acoustic guitar world which he also used on the killer harp guitar he built for me.
Don Alder (Canada)
International Acclaimed Guitarist / Award Winner

"Jeffrey Yong is a genius, a daring innovator and a living legend. For the most fearless of musicians, Jeffrey Yong Guitars are truly one of a kind, whether you're a collector or professional, Jeffrey Yong guitars truly inspire music and make you want to keep playing just to hear that signature JY sound. It has been an honor to have my music to be inspired by Jeffrey Yong Guitars."
Shu Ng USA
Composer / Musician / Award Winner
Jeffrey Yong, a Malaysian Luthier best known for his use of local Malaysian wood, such as monkeypod, rengas, mango, rambutan and Malaysian blackwood. The use of non-traditional wood to build musical instruments has not only placed Jeffrey Yong guitars (JY Guitars) in international markets but also as one of the top luthiers in the world. Jeffrey has gained international recognition and has been invited to exhibit his instruments in several international conventions. Jeffrey is one of the most highly respected luthiers in guitar making today and his guitars are played by some of the world’s greatest players! Please check out this video to get a glimpse of his absolutely stunning craftsmanship and extraordinary design. His instruments are not only sonically perfect but visual masterpieces as well!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=abya4ISqDaw

John Law USA
Composer / Recording Artist

Jeffrey Yong's guitar has a very unique sound. The sweetness and growth of the sound is so good. I think it's especially perfect for playing finger style guitars.
Kent Nishimura Japan
Composer / Musician / Recording Artist / Award Winner
"Jeffrey Yong's guitars are among the best I've ever had the opportunity to lay my hands on-they're gorgeous, ergonomic, and the sound is out of this world."
Ken Bonfield (USA)
Musician / Composer / Artist

JY guitars are truly Wonderful Instrument, Great Looks and Finishing, but The Best thing is Superb Playability
Balaban Imayan Indonesia
Composer / Musician / Reccording Artist
Hiroshi Masuda (aka. peacejoytown in YouTube )
Recording Artist / Composere)
Jeffrey Yong. Mango Tioman III has been my main guitar ever since he built it for me in 2015. It has a sweet yet thick sound.

我喜歡JY Guitar獨特的乾淨音色,彈奏起來自然甜美的音色非常享受。
Ray Ray Cheng ( Taiwan ) g
Jeffrey is one of the world's most talented luthiers and
a wonderful person as well.
Mark Robert (USA )
Luthier and Designer